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The books???

7막 7장 by 홍정욱

Today, I read a book left over last night.

'7 Acts 7 Scenes' by ryon Hong

it was a book that I read once before leaning on a shelf in a bookshop.

Second reading doesn't come to me on a different way, though,
It's because I am not that big bowl as other authors inspired by that book.
however, at least It brought me back to chair and determining my goal... and makes me try to imitate them as if I could study as longer as they did or as concentrate as they did.

While I was reading it, it reminds me a man who I respect and admire... and it got me call him and talk...for a while.
He told me he has read it 100 times at his early age and I said he sure does.

...instead of mess around, I would better read the Nclex book.