This one would be the longest article I've ever read, written by Maria Luz lu, DICHI, who is my very bset teacher, indeed.
Origin :
January 15, 2010
Hello, GAME!
As some of you may have already anticipated, I make my leave from GAME--- right here.
I would like to mark myself by saying “as much as I want to stay” but that would be just patronizing the whole point of my leave. I plainly want to leave. Let me be the first to give a sound adieu and formally graduate myself from being a member of the Guild of Anime and Manga Enthusiasts.
I have much to say to each of you but you are your own maker and you choose what you want to choose and how you want to pursue the opportunities and tasks before you. So, I won’t say much but just wish you guys the strongest of will, the wisest of wisdom, the clarity of mind, the stillness of the better heart as you make your way into this world with GAME within your grasps.
But hey! I am Dichi! It’s not me to just not rant on what should be said! So kiddies, I give you my final paragraphs. Swallow every word and digest them with your minds and feel the nourishment of my tough love in your hearts.
To the ones who have already left:
I trust that you will not hold other people’s mistakes to blush your pride. We have our own faults in what unfolded over the past months. Feuds should not make you hit people with your self-worth but make you realize that an opportunity to understand people better has presented itself to you – an opportunity for you to tell people more about yourself as well and learn to be the better person.
Actions and words can make what is truly meant ambiguous and confusing, that’s why there should be patience in understanding and effort to interpret what you mean. And if you don’t have what it takes to face your offender anymore, at least be decent enough to show respect without a whiff of toxic attitude behind their backs – that always wreaks and makes you pungent.
Well, hats off to you guys for one way or the other staying true to your visions for GAME. But you’ve forgotten one vision at some point – RESPECT. Do find it in yourselves to feel the responsibility you promised to hold as a Core Guilder whenever there should be feuds – clarity, fairness, equality, camaraderie, communication, and be role models toward each other. These were the words you pitched in when we had that special meeting back in early 2009. However you choose to act on this, it is up to you still- these promises against your pride and shame.
Thank you though for being there with me and for taking me in as your friend. And after this, I still see you as my friend. I wish you the best in your endeavors however big or small or meaningful or meaningless they may seem. I wish you guys to be in good spirits always.
To the ones who are still in GAME:
I remind you for the last time that you have a huge responsibility to look over the ones who come to you for that so called “HOME”. With the roles that you hold, GAME itself should be motivation enough for you; and the members, the GAMERS, are your obligation. But despite how tiresome the previous statement may sound, do continue to commit to what you have signed up for –a CORE GUILDER. GAME still has a lot of rooms to be filled and defined by your unified visions. Do well. Do better. And always be sensible. A co-founder has mentioned before on how GAME’s plans should be – it should be SMART: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Time- Bounded. Lately, people tend to be measuring a little too much and less realistic and unconscious about time – do something about that. Aspire to be stable and have a sensible system in managing the organization and it members. Remember to be open and no assumptions.
And to what will be the future inevitable feuds, don’t be stupid and just watch it burn. At some point I must admit, it is very tempting to fan the fire or add fuel to it, but don’t. And don’t just stand back and watch, or pray that it will go away, or ignore it or hope that it will die down. What is your point of not intruding in a fight that affects GAME itself? It is your responsibility to take on what will jeopardize the existence, harmony, and relationships bound, in GAME. Don’t be stupid to say you have no right when you have the responsibility to look after it. See the mistakes in the past as your lessons and reminders on how many times you have gone wrong, and how many times you’ve let people who rely on you, down. Keep the rational and sensible decision making attitude; and do your actions with heart – otherwise, what good are you for as a Core Guilder?
From how I see it, being a Core Guilder has helped me learn to be more compromising and take the never ending challenge to lower pompousness or the unnecessary pride. I do hope that you take the challenge to keep this organization in harmony and always keeping the feel like it is a family – unified in the fun of exploring the goodness of an anime and manga. Don’t let your fellow Core Guilder feel alienated or feel abandoned. Just because you’ve had a misunderstanding or you hated him or her for something that’s almost unforgiveable, don’t just throw them off the side. Always strive to work things out. So that when you decide to leave, it will not be of anger or frustration or distastefulness on how the organization disappointed you; but it will be because you have to go and become the adult that you should be. That way, you will close this chapter of your life on a high note – with good unforgettable memories.
To the kiddies:
As you will be divided as Hobby Cubs and Core Guild Members, do understand that the relationships you build here will never be perfect but requires you to work on it. Every relationship requires you to work to perfect it so, when you are caught in a disagreement, don’t be stupid and let your pride go up – be a little wiser and talk it through. Ask help from a Core Guilder. Ask help from a fellow GAMER. You have the responsibility to the relationships you hold in GAME; don’t ruin yourselves by being irresponsible.
This is a place for you to make friends. This is a place for you to explore your GAMER nature. Have fun. Keep your feet on the ground and explore the endless possibilities of how a GAMER is a GAMER.
And as a member of GAME, you have the responsibility to keep its record clean to your parents. That’s why we have the curfew time. The Core Guilders are responsible for you and you are responsible for yourself and GAME.
And don’t neglect your studies; you are a student first before you were ever a GAMER – so keep that in order in the list of your priorities…
GAME is “this” stage of your life; but it won’t be when you hit around my age.
Well, GAME…
Eventually, one by one you will be brought to that path where you have to take on your own chains and own self-promises again and build your lives; it will be among the confusing times of your lives since you will make it hard for yourselves to let go. But you must.
In my case, I need to…for my own accord. A four year vacation from my own mission is long enough already. It is time for me to go back to it.
I might still be around but that would make you think that I never left. -___-
I might be around every now and then, but don’t bet on me nagging because at this point – I DON’T CARE ANYMORE! Hahahahahahahaha! So, how much can you keep yourself responsible as a GAMER? If you ruin it, it might bring me back, and you don’t want that…so, be better at it. Be responsible and sensible.
I will not forget and I will be grateful for what I have experienced and realized within the walls of the guild. There have been failures and a lot of disappointments but I carry with me the better lesson and the better understanding on how I should be for myself and for my own world to build. I thank you for the opportunity. I thank you for the camaraderie. I thank you for the laughter. I thank you for the photo ops. I thank you for the cosplays. I thank you for allowing me to be your “dichi” – your second ate.
So, I will close my doors to you now so that I may continue to walk on my own road less travelled. After time, you will not be missed anymore but you will never be forgotten. And in a final poetic manner, to you I blow a kiss of farewell and bow down with respect to the Guild of Anime and Manga Enthusiasts.
Your one and only,
Maria Luz Lu