I am so sure that this script below has no worth you to read due to its quality. It is very likely including immense number of grammatical errors, or it may contain inappropriate words or sentences for the IELTS test.
however, I want you to have some brief idea how to begin, which actuall I was looking for when I was endeavouring to know how to start.
Let's simply say, a low quality sample of IELTS speaking script.
(Through the many years of primary and secondary education, I have learn how to get
along with unique, often completely different individuals.)
(Even if I had have conflictions with a few pupils.)
For me personally, I was, and I am still, very shy and timid. And I found it difficult to
mingle with others.
I think because of particularly atomsphere, I mean my family survived with mere modest
income, thus I felt rather isolated among the children of affluent familes.
I met Maria Luz Lu when I was in high school. she was not only generous but also briliant
and very charming as well. Besides her parents were one of the richest in town,
I often had to wear second hand colthes, then I was teased by other pupils and seldom even
At that time, she became my shield, she stood up for me and she used to take care of me when
I was in trouble.
She didn't tell me why she did until we had graduated then later she recalled me that I was
very attractive in some way or the other.
Among us she frequently showed great charisma. nevertheless she never lose her gentle smile.
I mean the more I knew her, the more I was attractived to her, literally.
she become my idle woman.
Since I had moved into uijeongbu city I haven't heard from her for a while, but I still
consider her as my role model.
she was, and always will be my role model.
I remember when I was in school, the friend I liked the most named Maria Luz lu.
She was in my class room and she was the popular kid in school because she was very very
rich. Her father was a CEO of a well known mobile company.
We became the friends.
Back it the time when I was bullied around, She only stood up to the bully,
because of that we became really good friends so we spent time a lot.
I liked her not because she was rich but she always had particular character that I seem to
admir about her, she is very talented but not only that she had kind heart, she would always
help out people. I remember at time when I didn't have lunch money then she offered to
share her lunch with me.
Rihgt now I haven't seen her for a while but I still consider her a very important person
because at some point she influence me stand up for myself and be more confident