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blah blah...and blah

Oh! My goddess! Was I on the line?

You know what? I had been really exicited because  I was on the line!!! only about couple of second ago.

The way coming home I am listening GFN and it said if anyone wanna participate Spelling bee txt a msg to #1013 so that I did but there was no response for a while therefore I gave up then all of sudden my phone lang and number calling from '02' that is district number of seoul!!!

I was on the line!!! and I failed because I COULD NOT spell of "CUISINE" correctlyT_T

If you were hearing GFN you might  remember the silly who shouted wrong spelling of "quisine" and speaked out loudly "HIGHWAY" instead of my name. Yes that idiot was me!

it was pretty embarrass though, I will keep try for another chance next time.

Anyhow, I really appreciate GFN that makes us to listen only English radio and gave us a chance to participate into it which we naver had.

Thank you! Thank you a lot for both TBS and GFN!!!