blah blah...and blah

found such many reasons to study harder

Nurse Juno™ 2010. 1. 12. 11:08

First of all “I am not fluent in English”

(절대 안 믿는거 알지만, 나 요새 책보는 재미에 완전 빠져살으ㅡ_ㅡ*)

Jesus Christ! Finally there was a foreign patient in my unit.

She was from Kazakhstan And she could speak English and Russian, one of most difficult language in the world, and Korean as well

So that most of us even myself, communicated with her in Korean

Sometimes, however, I spoke her in English., when she wasn’t able to understand my POOR Korean

At the beginning it seems going well, we had talked and joked each other and laughed a lot.

Here is one good(and bad thing) working in Coronary Care Unit.

Patients in my unit are generally in good condition. They are all conscious.

Despite having sever chest pain sometimes, they can talk, eat, laugh, and even walk as well.


Where were we? Anyhow, I had to ask how her pain is like using NRS scale.

(VAS(visual analogue scale), NRS(numerical rating scale))

“what is your pain from 1 to 10, one for mild and 10 for severe”

I tried to make a sentence assuming her pain depth but I couldn’t.

The charge nurse worked with staring at me as if I had lied her speaking English well by my own word or something.

(seriously I never ever say any word something similar to speaking English well, it’s all what they thought by themselves)

Now I’ve learn what to say to measure pain degree


1. ‘On a scale of 1 to 10 what’s your pain level?’


2. ‘What’s your pain level on a scale of 1-10, with one being the lowest level and ten being the highest level of pain that you have ever experience.’




Another story, way to cafeteria, I met US armies and said ‘Hello, where r u going?’, ‘OB’ they replied.

‘OB? What does OB stand for?’ thought to myself but nothing came up but found her pregnant.


‘Obstetrics & gynecology!’

For three year in my college time I spent countless time to memorize those medical terminologies and I thought I knew them a lot.

While working in a hospital, however, found out still have so many things to learn and can’t admire seniors who have such broaden knowledge on their field.


Well… here I come as a new nurse.


I make mistakes but I am learning through it and through those experiences I am growing.


출처 : 네이버 유딩님 블로그

1. VAS(visual analogue scale);
환자에게 100cm의 자를 주고 평생에 가장 아픈 통증(출산의 통증 등) 100이라 한다면 지금 어느정도 아픈지를 자에서 짚으라고 합니다. 가령 76cm의 위치를 잡는다면, 지금 현 통증은 VAS 7.6(최대치 10.0)이 되는 겁니다. 매우 원시적인 것 같으면서도 환자는 수치를 알지 못하므로 이 검사는 상당히 합리적으로 되어있으며, 현재도 가장 흔히 쓰는 방법입니다.

2. NRS(numerical rating scale);
환자에게 평생 가장 아픈 통증을 100이라 한다면 현재 아픈 정도가 어느정도인지 수치를 말하라 하는 것입니다. 이것은 VAS와 비슷하지만, 환자가 수치를 생각할 수 있으므로 환자의 감정이나 주관이 들어간다는 단점이 있습니다.

... VAS에서 100mm이거나 10cm 자겠죠ㅡ_ㅡ;;; 100cm면 1m인데, 환자가 '마이 페인이즈 오바데어... 노 노. 오바 댄 뎃. 옙. 데아. 도즈 페인스 킬링 미. 깁 미 썸 드럭즈...'라고 하는 상황이 연출될걸 생각하니 ㅋㅋㅋ
(...나 영어 한글로 쓰는게 왜 이케 잼나니ㅡ_ㅜ?)