blah blah...and blah


Nurse Juno™ 2010. 10. 21. 16:12


(speaking of this word, there are some words make me nut remembering spell of them, and ocassionally is certainly one of them... I still need help of dictionary to know if there is two 'ss' on it or not)

anyhow, occas(!)ionally, I prefer writing or reading in English

(here is another good example of it, writ(!)ing)   (write, wrote, writing, written ... only written has double t)

and again... where was I?


... well... I forget what I tried to write;;;




...apparently, it seems pretty easy to write in English but if you ever have tried of it, you could be hesitated to say so.

I read what I have written on my blog then had found countless errors not only grammartic but also wrong spelling as well.

feel so shamed and enough to make me doubt if I should keep post in English...


...anyhow, just one thing is sure... I need read and speak.... I mean... use more often no matter it is on the internet or in real life