
speaking script - describe a book you read / like the most 'Dispatches from the edge'

Nurse Juno™ 2011. 4. 23. 13:13
I am so sure that this script below has no worth you to read due to its quality. It is very likely including immense number of grammatical errors, or it may contain inappropriate words or sentences for the IELTS test.

however, I want you to have some brief idea how to begin, which actuall I was looking for when I was endeavouring to know how to start.

Let's simply say, a low quality sample of IELTS speaking script.

Describe book you read recently / the most

1.     What kind of book I like

2.     What is your favorite book

3.     What is it about?

4.     Where did you get it?

5.     Why you like it?


I like autobiography because I am a kind of lazy person. I am good at planning things but rarely have done what I have planned. Therefore I always need a motivation and I think reading a autobiography is a very appropriate way of inspiring me to have a motivation.


Among the books I have read, ‘Dispatches from the edge’ written by Anderson Cooper, who is a very well known CNN correspondent, is my favorite book.


In that book, he vividly describes his journeys of many devastated places from the tsunami in Sri Lanka to War in Iraq, and recently he has been Haiti when a earthquake destroyed the whole country and killed immense number of people.


I bought this book from a book shop in a New York City while I was looking for a book to recommend for my coworkers and I particularly like this book not only because he shows such humanity throughout the book for whom lost everything, I mean literally everything, even their family members, but also it was written with many plain English. Thereby people like I am can understand what he intend to say.